Week 1 Responses

Voyiazis – Response to Week 1 Prompt

In your opinion, rank the points made by Vitruvius’ Triad in order, from most to least important, justifying your sequence.

I would rank the points from Vitruvius’ Triad in the order of firmitatis being the most important, venustatis second more important, and utilitatis as least important. In my opinion, no matter how glamorous and complex a structure may be, it means nothing if it is not made with the utmost stability because if it’s not made correctly, it most likely will only last for a short period of time and is a danger to society. After structural integrity, an architect should focus entirely on the beauty and aesthetic of a structure to make it glorious for people of current and future generations to behold. Lastly, I would rather prefer looking at a beautiful looking building that is difficult to navigate than a simple or modest looking building that can be used as easily as a thoroughfare.

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