Week 2 Responses

Week 2 Response

During Ancient Greece there were 3 orders, which weren’t chronological. The Doric capital was the simplest and heaviest. The Ionic capital had volutes, which resembled wisdom. The Corinthian capital was the most intricate and “beautiful” of the 3 with 8 acanthus leaves. From these 3 order the Romans were inspired and created their 5 orders, which only two were new. The Tuscan was extremely simple and the composite capital was extremely intricate (varied from corinthian due to the larger proportions). For the Byzantium, the capitals became less intricate possibly due to the higher demand for buildings and less for people with skills. These capitals are arguably more intricate and unique as shown in the Hagia Sophia. The Romanesque capitals were very simple but the buildings massive religious strength outshined. 

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