Week 2 Responses

Week 2 response

From Ancient Greece to the Romanesque, there have been many changes that occurred when relating to how the capitals of buildings were being seen. One of the reason for these change is that roman architecture was part of the influence in evolving the designs of the capitals that were being created. Also the fact that religion and political ideas was the main things that was being presented at the time. This lead to churches being created and this had to make sure that through the churches that was being created that there was the expression of what religion was being presented. Therefore, designs on the capitals was a major feature that was focus on when creating these type of buildings at the time. Thicker walls was also added to make sure that the buildings were strong and expressed the strength of that specific religion or idea that was being shown through the building. Also the fact to make sure that the thick walls that was being created to be able to hold up the building depending on how big it is. Overall, basically the influence of what occurred in the Romanesque period was religious related ideas which started these changes to occur throughout many designs being created on capitals and on the entire building itself.

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