Week 2 Responses

Week 2 Response

The capitals in Ancient Greece were very complex and highly detailed. Most notably, the Corinthian order was known for its complexity. Similar to Greece, the capitals in Ancient Rome were very complex and detailed, however, a little bit more decorative. The Byzantine order became much more simple. One could assume this could be to draw attention to certain details in the capitals, or they did not have as skilled masons and craftsman. Lastly, the Romanesque period was very similar to the Corinthian order however it had a much less reformed and more artistic approach to the design of capitals.

One thought on “Week 2 Response

  1. The change in design of capitals indicated large stylistic changes because as time elapsed we got into the Romanesque time period where more unique capitals began to emerge. In Greek time the capitals like Doric were very simple and not complicated. During the Romanesque time period more techniques and styles began to pop up creating a different look that was more sophisticated looking. Romanesque architecture exhibits massive quality, thick walls, round arches , sturdy piers and symmetrical plans.

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