Week 2 Responses

Week 2 Response

In Ancient Greece, capitals had only three main orders for columns and includes three distinct different capitals. The doric had the most simple capital out of the three. Then the ionic column which had a more detailed capital. This capital usually had volutes on either side. Then the most fancy column being the corinthian had an elaborate capital. This capital included a floral design and had embedded two levels of acanthus leaves. Then when we look to the romanesque capitals we see that there is no such order and the capitals take on a design from the architect themselves. I would say they took inspiration from the Corinthian capitals and made their own designs to fit their theme. this change in capital design also indicated a larger stylistic change because we tend to heavily focus on religion in romanesque architecture. These structures were massive and they were this way to express the stability of the church. They used the latin based cross design which included which walls and many semicircular arches.

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