Week 5 Responses

Week 5 Response

The work on the left is the church of San Carlo Alle Quatto Fontane designed by the architect Francesco Borromini. The work on the right is the sculpture David by the architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Both works come from the Baroque Period and both serve as examples of the Baroque Period’s idea of highly elaborate and decorative architecture. However, the church stands as a more detailed example from the period because it has well-known forms of the time, such as ellipse-like ovals on the exterior and excessive coffers on the roof inside. Whereas, the statue of David captures the Baroque idea of action shots or motion in architecture. David appearing in motion inspired other architectural forms of the time as well, such as Festoons, which are decorative strips on facades that appear to be hanging. Even the Church’s facade is curved in a way to instill a sense of movement and grandeur.

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