Week 10 Responses

Week 10 Response

I am most interested in Le Corbusier’s first point and his second point. This idea of empty space on the ground floor and this free ground plan are very conduscent to a vacation home with a view. Having lived through covid for over a year, this past summer my parents were looking for a vacation that was in and around the NY area. We ended up going to Westhampton beach and Long Beach Island. In both places the houses we stayed at embody many of Le Corbusier’s points. First, in both houses there was no real use to the ground floor. Due to flooding the ground floor could not be inhabited as the would be flooded should there be a bad storm. On the shore, our home had a large garage, similar to Le Corbusier’s home design. Additionally, both homes placed a large focus on the view with large windows, which lead to the open concept living plan. This flexible structure and designation of space is reminiscent of his second point, free ground plan.

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