Week 10 Responses

week 10 response

LeCorbusier created the 5 points of architecture which included Pilotis, Free Ground Plan, Free Facade, Ribbon Window, and Roof Garden. The point that resonates most with me is the roof garden. The point of Corbusier points was to respond to contemporary materials, construction, culture, and lifestyles in new kinds of spaces. In my opinion the reintroduction of nature back into a city can transform an area. The vegetation is not only aesthetically pleasing it also provides insulation for flare concrete roof and vegetation on roofs help with insulation. Nature brings a different element to a place and the introduction of it brings a positive connotation. I also find the point free ground plan very important. This includes the organization of spaces, as opposed to what the structure dictates. The demand of form over structure allows the walls to designate space rather than the physical structure itself. The way something is organized can completely change someone views on an object.

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