Weekly Prompts

For all responses, 100 word limit (strict!)

Week 1:

In your opinion, rank the points made by Vitruvius’ Triad in order, from most to least important, justifying your sequence.

Week 2:

From Ancient Greece to the Romanesque, how have the changing design of capitals indicated larger stylistic changes?

Week 3:

Using specific terminology and concepts covered in class, compare/contrast the Romanesque and Gothic styles of architecture.

Week 4:

How does this image resonate with architectural ideals of its related period?

Week 5:

Compare these two works

Week 6:

Who do you side with, Didascolo or Protopiro?

Week 8:

Describe both the modern and classical elements of Labrouste’s Bibliothèque Nationale. Use architectural vocabulary.

Week 9:

Describe the Beaux-Arts style by comparing Palais Garnier with another work from Classical Greece, Classical Rome, the Renaissance, or the Baroque.

Week 10:

Identify one of Le Corbusier’s ‘Points’ that appeals most to you and describe why this point carries personal appeal.